Menstruation is bleeding from the vagina that happens about once a month, as a normal part of the menstrual cycle. It is also known as having a period.
During this cycle, your hormones make the lining of the uterus become thicker, getting ready in case of pregnancy. Hormones also cause an egg to be released from an ovary, which is known as ovulation.
Menstrual Hygiene is vital to the empowerment and well-being of women and girls worldwide. It is about more than just access to sanitary pads and appropriate toilets – though those are important.
Menstrual Hygiene Day (MH Day) is a global advocacy platform that brings together the voices and actions of non-profits, government agencies, individuals, the private sector and the media to promote good menstrual health and hygiene (MHH) for all women and girls.
More specifically, MH Day: breaks the silence, raises awareness and changes negative social norms around menstrual health and hygiene.

Photos by Niraj Gera
Menstruation is a natural biological process and yet it is considered as a taboo. It is not a sickness, but even today people are afraid to openly talk about it.
Let's talk about menstruation is an campaign that seeks to raise awareness about menstruation and menstrual hygiene. It is important that we normalize menstruation and destroy taboos around this biological process. This is not an actual campaign but a campaign created by me in order to raise awareness..

The major aim of this project is to create awareness about menstruation and menstrual hygiene day.
It is important to normalize menstruation and destroy taboos around this natural process
Target audience: Creating awareness and educating all the people from teenagers to old people to think of menstruation as a natural and normal process rather than a taboo.